









.." W H O
..D A R E S
...W I N S "




Créée par David Stirling immobilisé par un accident de parachute, le S.A.S allait s'imposer comme un modèle du genre. Cette Unité allait produire un tel bilan " plus important que celui de nimporte quel Groupe de Bombardement " tout au long de l'année 1942 que ses détracteurs n'allaient pas réussir à imposer sa dissolution au Commandement. Le détachement "L" ainsi que se dénommait le S.A.S. à ses débuts comprennait en juillet 1941, 7 Officiers, 5 Sous-Officiers et 55 Hommes. Le renforcement des effectifs de cette Unité était pour David Stirling un souci de tous les instants. En janvier 1942 le Détachement "L" comprenait deux Squadrons forts de 50 hommes chacun. C'est à cette époque qu'il s'étoffa de quelques éléments de valeur : - 1ère C.C.P. du Capitaine Bergé "prêtée" au S.A.S. par le Général de Gaulle, qui forma le troisième squadron avec un effectif à peu près égal à celui d'un squadron britannique. Elle allait se renforcer encore après son intégration au S.A.S. - Special Boat Section (S.B.S.) du Commando n° 8 fort de 16 hommes équipés de canoës (débarquement sur plages ou remontée des fleuves, estuaires et rivières) mais également aptes aux opérations terrestres. En mars c'est le Greek Sacred Squadron qui à son tour rejoignit la Brigade S.A.S. puis en juin le Special Interrogation Group (S.I.G.) formé d'Allemands de Palestine, juifs et antinazis. Cette Unité avait la particularité de parler toujours en allemand, d'opérer en uniformes nazis et d'être entraînée à leur façon. Mais cette formation ne restera que quelques semaines au sein du S.A.S. Elle fut bientôt dissoute. Au mois d'août le S.B.S. du Middle East Commando fusionna avec le S.B.S. du S.A.S. Cette Unité provenait de la Lay-force en cours de dissolution. Mais c'est en octobre 1942 que le S.A.S. changea radicalement de physio-nomie sous l'impulsion de son Chef et créateur qui désirait mettre sur pied une Brigade aux effectifs conséquents : - Les deux squadrons du Détachement "L" fusionnerent pour former le A Squadron (effectif 127 Officiers et Hommes). - La 1ère C.C.P. (14 Officiers, 80 Sous-Officiers et Hommes), le Greek Sacred Squadron (14 Officiers, 100 Sous-Officiers et Hommes) et le S.B.S. (15 Officiers, 40 Sous-Officiers et Hommes) formerent le B Squadron. Les Squadrons A et B formaient désormais le 1st S.A.S. Regiment fort de 390 Officiers et Hommes. Un mois après l'effectif dépassait les 500, grâce à l'apport des effectifs du Middle East Commando dissous. En décembre 1942, tout juste un mois après le débarquement allié en Afrique du Nord, le 2nd S.A.S. Regiment fut mis sur pied avec les effectifs du Commando 62 . William "Bill" Stirling frère de David en prit le com-mandement. Le Small Scale Raiding Squadron issu du Commando 62 rejoint le S.B.S. C'est à ce moment que le Général de Gaulle décida que les opérations du Moyen-Orient étant terminées, la 1ère C.C.P. devait rejoindre sans tarder la Grande-Bretagne. Toutefois une 2ème C.P. S.A.S. effectuera les opérations de Tunisie jusqu'à fin janvier avant de rentrer en Grande-Bretagne via l'Algérie. Le 1st S.A.S. suite à la capture de David Stirling début 1943, fut dissous pour devenir Special Raiding Squadron avec des effectifs revus à la baisse, non seulement par le départ des S.A.S. français, mais également du Sacred Squadron et du S.B.S. formant désormais corps aux ordres de Lord Jellicoe. Ces Unités allaient mener des opérations en Méditerranée. Plus grave les S.R.S. et 2nd S.A.S. Regiment perdaient leur originalité d'utilisation dans le cadre stratégique pour devenir de simples unités de choc, débarquées par mer, mais qui même dans ce nouveau contexte opératif, oeuvreront avec zèle et efficacité en Sicile et en Italie, faisant payer un lourd tribut à l'ennemi et en payant un eux-mêmes jusqu'à l'opération de Termoli… Nous sommes en mars 1944. Rentrant en Grande-Bretagne, le S.R.S. redevient 1st S.A.S. Regiment, bientôt rejoint par le 2nd S.A.S. Regiment. Le Haut Commandement allié se penchait désormais sur le plan d'invasion de l'Europe du Nord. L'idée d'une Brigade S.A.S. opérant au niveau stratégique avait fait son chemin, elle allait se concrétiser jusqu'à redonner enfin au S.A.S.la place qui était la sienne. On avait de nouveau besoin du S.A.S pour réussir ! Les 1er et 2ème S.A.S. furent reconstitués et leurs effectifs doublés. En outre le 4ème B.I.A. français bien structuré et très entraîné fut choisi pour faire partie de la Brigade.On adapta son organigramme sur celui des Unités brtitanniques. Mais ce n'était pas encore suffisant.En effet, il manquait encore des effectifs; alors tandis que la Compagnie Indépendante Belge de Parachutistes fut intégrée à son tour, on pressa les autorités françaises de mettre sur pied un second bataillon. Le 3ème B.I.A. qui venait de rejoindre la Grande-Bretagne mais qui devait être dissous tant ilprésentait de problêmes fut valorisé, renforcé et bien entraîné devant les demandes incessantes du Haut Commandement Allié. Il allait prouver quelques mois après sa valeur au combat en France d'abord puis en Hollande. La Brigade fut en fait opérationnelle et dotée d'effectifs suffisants juste à la veille des opérations de Débarquement. On la renforça enfin d'un Squadron "F"du Phantom Regiment pour ses liaisons et ses communications radios. De la Bretagne à l'Allemagne et à la Norvège, la Brigade S.A.S. aux ordres successivement des Brigadiers Généraux Mac Leod et Calvert allait faire la preuve de son efficacité en " osant " souvent et en " gagnant " toujours, ainsi que David Stirling l'avait toujours souhaité.

A gauche, David Stirling au L.R.D.G - A droite, Statue inaugurée en Juin 2002
pour son Jubilée

SAS britannique et français: frères d'armes!
"Frères d'armes...Brothers in arms..."


S.A.S Battle Honour
North Wet Europa 1944-45, Tobruk 1941, Sicily 1943, Termoly, Italy 1943-45, Adriatic , Falkland
Islands 1982, Benghazi Raid, North Africa 1940-43, Landing in Sicily, Valli di Comacci, Greece 1944-45, Middle East 1943-44, Iraq 1990,

Also known as: formerly L Detachment Special Air Service Brigade; latterly Special Air Service Regiment, Special Raiding Squadron; Special Air Service Brigade

Date Founded: July 1941 Mission When Founded: Small teams of men inserted by parachute or submarine, landing behind enemy lines with surprise to attack line-of-communication targets such as transports, vehicle parks, fuel dumps and aerodromes. Mission During the War: Additionally armed reconnaissance, internal security duties. Jurisdiction: North Africa, Mediterranean, Italy, NW Europe.
Headquarters: 1 SAS: Kabrit, Suez Canal Zone, Egypt (1941-43);
2 SAS: Phillipeville, Algeria then Noci, near Taranto, Italy (1943);
Brigade HQ: Moor Park Golf Course, near Ricksmanworth, Hertfordshire (1944); regimental HQs in the SE and East of England.
Personnel: 6 officers, 60 other ranks (1941); 83 officers, 570 other ranks (Dec. 1942); 2,500 all ranks (1944).

HISTORY: The SAS was conceived in an Alexandrian military hospital as Lieutenant David Stirling was recovering from a near fatal parachuting injury that had left him temporarily blind and paralysed. He conceived of a unit that could be inserted behind enemy lines by parachute or submarine, and would strike at vulnerable enemy line-of-communication targets such as airbases and fuel dumps, making up for by surprise the small number of men involved. Stirling managed to get into GHQ Cairo without a pass, and whilst trying to dodge the security ended up in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff Middle East Forces, General Ritchie. Taking advantage of the situation Stirling presented his hand-written memo to Ritchie. Ritchie read the memo and said it was something he was looking for, and would pass it to the Commander-in-Chief General Auchinleck for his consideration. The newly appointed Auchinleck liked the idea, as it was a modest proposal with excellent prospects if it succeeded and few casualties if it failed. He authorised the creation of L Detachment Special Air Service Brigade, and Stirling was promoted to Captain. L Detachment S.A.S Brigade was named after a fictious paratroop formation that the British were trying to persuade the Germans was in North Africa. There was already a K detachment, and the 'L' may have been named after Layforce, the Commando taskforce sent to North Africa that Stirling had been part of. The unit reported directly the Auchinleck as it didn't have a parent unit - Stirling had been careful to avoid the controlling clutches of G(R) (S.O.E in the Middle East) and the Director of Combined Operations to maintain his independence. He set about recruiting men and officers from Layforce, mainly former No.8 Commandos as this had been Stirling's original unit. Jock Lewes and Paddy Mayne were two officers Stirling made a special effort in recruiting, and both would feature prominently in the SAS's history. Training for the new unit was tough and included explosives, navigation, parachuting and night movement. Expert handling of all Allied and Axis weaponry was expected and trained for. Troopers were also expected to be in good physical condition. When in base Stirling expected Guardsmen-like behaviour and turnout from his troops. Aggression was to be reserved for the enemy. The unit's famous insignia, the flaming sword of Excalibur, commonly mistaken as a winged dagger, was adopted after the training period. The famous beige berets were introduced after a disastrous white beret was tried. Insignia like this for such a small unit would have normally been unheard of in the British Army, but General Auchinleck approved them when he met Stirling wearing the beret and insignia at Shepheard's Hotel in Cairo. The unit's first mission took place on 16/17 November 1941 as part of Operation CRUSADER. The mission continued despite bad weather conditions. Five sites were going to be attacked. Two aircraft were lost on-route, leaving three planes to drop troops. In the high winds the sticks were separated, weapons and equipment lost, the troops landing miles from the planned drop zones. Only 22 men returned from the 62 that had left. The Long Range Desert Group [link to lrdg.htm] picked the survivors up, and the relationship between the two groups was born. Stirling decided that for all future raids that the L.R.D.G could deliver S.A.S units to their targets as well as pick them up, and the L.R.D.G were agreeable to the proposal. L Detachment bounced back from the disastrous results of their first raid. Moving to Jalo Oasis as a forward operating base, L Detachment started a campaign of successful airfield raids, mostly achieved by using the improvised Lewes bombs, excellent aircraft demolition charges. On 8 December 1941, L Detachment raided Sirte and Tamet airfields. Mayne's force destroyed 27 aircraft, three lorries, two trailers of spare parts and several fuel dumps at Tamet. 37 aircraft were destroyed at Agedabia shortly afterwards by Fraser's force. L Detachment then repeated raids on the Sirte, Tamet, Agedabia and El Agheila airfields. L Detachment suffered the loss of Jock Lewes who was killed by a strafing bomber after a successful raid on Nofilia airfield. L Detachment returned to raiding in January 1942 starting with a raid on shipping and fuel dumps at Bouerat port. Two men from the Special Boat Section [link to sbs.htm] accompanied the SAS team for the first time. Stirling had been promoted to major and given permission to enlarge L Detachment by recruiting six officers and up to forty other ranks. One of the officers recruited was Fitzroy Maclean who would go on to have a 'colourful' war
. The S.A.S was slowly growing by absorbing other units. In January 1942 the 1st Company of Free French Paratroopers (1ère C.C.P) under the command of Commandant Bergé joined L Detachment. In March 1942 the Special Interrogation Group came under L Detachment's control. The S.I.G were formed by Captain Herbert Buck M.C and consisted of 12 German Jewish émigrés to Palestine who had volunteered to operate in German uniform, despite the expected consequences if caught. Two Afrika Korps prisoners were recruited to teach current German military procedure. Numbers were seriously depleted in a failed raid on airfields in the Derna-Martuba area in June 1942 after one of the ex-prisoners betrayed the party to the Germans, and by the doomed raid on Tobruk in September 1942. By December 1942 the unit had ceased to exist due to problems of recruitment. March 1942 saw a recce of Benghazi carried out, and a series of raids on airfields in the Benghazi area was also attempted. However only Mayne managed to destroy any aircraft, blowing up 15 at Berka Satellite airfield. The Germans recaptured Jalo and the SAS had to relocate their forward operations base to Siwa. In June 1942, three airfields on the coast were raided. The Free French S.A.S Squadron blew up an ammunition dump at Barce. Bergé and Lieutenant the Earl Jellicoe raided Heraklion airfield on Crete, but Bergé was captured and a Free French COrporal was killed whilst escaping. Since December 1941 raids against enemy airfields, fuel dumps and port installations had occurred every month, leaving the enemy feeling insecure. Stirling instilled the principles of absolute aggression whilst in the field, ordering his troops to machine-gun sleeping troops, bombing barracks, machine-gunning vehicle rest stops. S.A.S successes were such that the Germans trained security battalions in anti-S.A.S duties to track and capture patrols after an attack. The Germans knew Stirling as the 'Phantom Major'. Willys Jeeps became available in July 1942. These freed the S.A.S from the restraints of the L.R.D.G, and allowed the S.A.S to mount three to four week missions behind enemy lines. Previously the SAS had raided during the moonless period of each month and were inactive the rest of the month. The jeeps were armed with twin .303" Vickers K machine guns, mounted front and rear (some versions substituted the front pair of Vickers with a 50 Browning heavy machine gun, and some had a single Vickers machine gun that the driver could operate). A water condenser was fitted to the radiator and the suspension strengthened. Extra fuel tanks gave an extended range of 650 kilometres. Sand channels, water containers, jerry cans, spare ammunition, camouflage nets, personal kit and a sun compass completed the load. After a trial run on Bagush airfield on the first jeep raid, the full firepower of the Vickers K gun was demonstrated on the second jeep raid. Sidi Haneish airfield near Fuka was full of Junkers Ju 52 transport aircraft. 40 aircraft were destroyed in a hail of bullets; seriously hampering Rommel's resupply plans for one man killed and two jeeps destroyed. However Stirling was frustrated by poor intelligence provided by the Eighth Army, and the problems acquiring resupplies. Stirling and his raiding forces were recalled in preparation for the ill-fated raids on Benghazi and Tobruk in September 1942. L Detachment was to raid Benghazi port, but was spotted on its approach and the raiders withdrew. For the first 14 months of the SAS's existence Stirling was fighting against MEHQ taking control of his unit, his unit being merged with other special forces units in the Middle East, or the S.A.S being used in a tactical role rather than a strategic one. Participation in the Benghazi raid had guaranteed Stirling the continued existence of his unit and its establishment as a regiment. On 28 September 1942, L Detachment was formally renamed the 1st Special Air Service Regiment. The SBS had come under S.A.S control after Stirling's lobbying in August 1942. The disbandment of the Middle East Commando, the last remnant of Layforce, allowed Stirling to recruit a further 10 officers and 100 men. 1 S.A.S consisted of 500 men of 1 SAS, 100 men of the Free French S.A.S Squadron, 55 men of the S.B.S, and the 114 men of the Greek Sacred Squadron. Greek Sacred Squadron was formed in August 1942 by officers of the Royal Hellenic Army who had escaped from Greece after the German invasion. This was the unit's third incarnation: the first was the Theban Sacred Band that had helped free Greece of Spartan domination at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC; the second incarnation, the Sacred Battalion had served in the Greek War of Independence 1821-1829. The name of the unit came from the pledge of faithfulness that the Boetian lovers of the original Sacred Band made at Iolaus' tomb. The Greek Sacred Squadron (or Regiment) had a tradition of refusing no task set it, and dying to the last man if necessary. It was rumoured that they expected 50% casualties in a raid and felt frustrated if they didn't get them. Its motto was 'Return Victorious or Dead' - said to be the parting words of wives to their warrior husbands departing to the wars in Ancient Greece. The Greek Sacred Squadron later worked with the S.B.S raiding the Aegean and Dodecanese Islands by caïque. Stirling was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel, but his independence was crippled, as 1 S.A.S now came under the control of the Director of Military Operations through the newly formed G (Raiding Forces) department. 1 S.A.S was also reorganised into an H.Q squadron and four squadrons: A, B, C (the Free French) and D (the S.B.S). Each squadron was divided into three troops each with three sections. Paddy Mayne commanded A squadron which mostly consisted of the L Detachment originals. A squadron then harassed the enemy through October-November 1942 from a forward operating base in the Great Sand Sea, setting out from Kufra. Railway lines, petrol supplies and airfields were hit. B squadron started raiding from Bir Fascia in December 1942 but within days most of the patrols had been killed or captured. D squadron was being trained to use Greek caïques in Beirut. The success of 1 S.A.S was temporarily interrupted by the capture of David Stirling in January 1943. Whilst en route to raid Sousse, Stirling's patrol had lain up in a wadi in the Gabès Gap area, when a German patrol arrived and started searching. Stirling and another man were trapped in a cave and caught. Stirling managed to escape two days later, but was betrayed by Arabs and recaptured by Italian troops. Stirling's patrol had been part of the last great raid of the Desert War designed to coincide with Montgomery's attack on Tripoli. One patrol was to create havoc to the west of Tripoli, a second patrol was to attack communications in the Gabès Gap on the coast, a third patrol was to recce the Mareth line between Tripoli and Gabès, and the fourth patrol was to penetrate enemy lines to link up with the First Army. Due to the success of 1 S.A.S, formation of a second S.A.S unit was authorised.
2nd S.A.S Regiment was formed in January 1943, made a few ineffectual jeep raids in March/April, and became operational in May 1943 at Philippeville, Algeria. Lieutenant-Colonel William Stirling, brother of David, commanded 2 S.A.S. He brought some SSRF members with him. 2 S.A.S consisted of five squadrons: A, B, C, D and a Free French contingent known as French Squad 2nd S.A.S. 2 S.A.S never managed 1 S.A.S's initial independence, and answered to 15th Army Group Special Operations Branch. After Stirling's capture, a few raids took place, but 1 S.A.S became prey to MEHQ control. In April 1943, A and B squadrons were brought up to strength and renamed the Special Raiding Squadron under Paddy Mayne's command. D squadron became the Special Boat Squadron commanded by Major the Earl Jellicoe. The Free French returned to French command. Both the S.R.S and the S.B.S reported to H.Q Raiding Forces. The British authorities regarded the S.R.S as glorified assault or shock troops, and planned to employ them en masse rather than in number of smaller parties. S.R.S involvement in the Italian campaign started with an assault on a coastal battery at Cape Murro di Porco, south of Syracuse, Sicily. This was taken easily on 12 July 1943, and the S.R.S were immediately tasked to take the town of Augusta, which was achieved with minimal casualties. In September 1943 the S.R.S was tasked to capture the port of Bagnara in order to cut German communications and ease the advance of Montgomery's ground forces advancing from Reggio. The S.R.S's next mission was to capture Termoli, which it did on 3 October 1943. The Germans launched a heavy counterattack two days later. The S.R.S and 2 S.A.S were both part of the town's defences and it was the first time that the two regiments had fought together. The S.R.S took heavy casualties. However Termoli was to be the last mission for the S.R.S, in December 1943 the unit shipped to Scotland for reorganisation. 2 S.A.S's were more involved in the Italian campaign. 2 S.A.S had taken part in a series of submarine-delivered reconnaissances of Mediterranean islands in May 1943. During the invasion of Sicily 2 S.A.S took part in two operations: NARCISSUS and CHESTNUT. A squadron assaulted a lighthouse in Operation NARCISSUS. In July 1943's Operation CHESTNUT, small parties parachuted into Northern Sicily to disrupt enemy communications. Disorganisation and poor communications hampered the mission. September 1943 saw 2 SAS land at Taranto and carry out reconnaissance and offensive patrolling in front of the advancing Allied forces - this involved ambushing convoys and blowing up railway lines. In Operation SPEEDWELL, small teams of 2 SAS troops parachuted behind enemy lines in northern Italy to cut railway lines preventing German reinforcements and supplies from reaching the front. Operation JONQUIL mounted in October 1943 was designed to extract prisoners-of-war of which there were large numbers wandering the Italian countryside following the Italian surrender. Not many prisoners were extracted but the parties operated behind enemy lines for two months. Three more missions were mounted November-December 1943 to cut railway lines. Operation MAPLE took place on 7 January 1944, and attacked railway lines radiating from Terni and Orvieto. Most of the targets were destroyed but all the parties were captured exfiltrating. Railway bridges between Pesaro and Fano were attacked in Operation BAOBAB, which took place 30 January 1944. All the men returned safely. Operation POMEGRANATE was 2 SAS's final mission in Italy. Six men were dropped by Dakota to raid San Egidio airfield to aid the Anzio landings. The party split when it was challenged by a German sentry, leaving two officers to raid the airfield. Only seven aircraft were destroyed, but the surviving officer, Lieutenant Hughes, was captured. Hughes was treated for his injuries in a German military hospital. Befriended by two German officers Hughes managed to have his status changed from political prisoner to prisoner-of-war, and advised to escape rather than be shot as a saboteur. Hughes escape confirmed rumours that the Germans were executing captured Allied parachutists and raiding parties under Hitler's 'Commando Order'. Rommell hadn't enforced the order in North Africa, but German forces in Europe were following orders. 2 S.A.S returned to Britain in March 1944 in preparation of the invasion of France. In January 1944 the S.R.S reverted back to 1 S.A.S.

In March 1944 the S.A.S Brigade was formed. The Brigade came under the command of I Airborne Corps. The S.A.S's sand-coloured berets were replaced with airborne maroon and French keeps the black beret, though some veterans still wore them. Bill Stirling disagreed with the roles being planned by SHAEF for the S.A.S in the forthcoming French campaign, and was forced to resign as Colonel of 2 S.A.S. Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Franks replaced him. The Brigade was a 2,500 men strong unit, of which 2,000 were operational, consisted of 1 & 2 S.A.S, two French Battalions 4th ( 1st B.I.A renamed 4th) and the 3rd (recruited from Algeria) - later 2nd and 3rd
Regiments de Chasseurs Parachutistes. The Belgian Independent Para-Commando Company formed 5 S.A.S. F Squadron, G.H.Q Liaison Regiment codenamed 'Phantom' completed the brigade. Phantom was a top-secret unit that was formed in 1940. It deployed to the most forward positions of the battlefront and eavesdropped on enemy tactical communications, and then transmitted what it heard back to the highest H.Q in theatre for immediate intelligence, saving time by bypassing all intermediate H.Qs in the chain of command. Each Phantom squadron was divided into patrols commanded by a captain with a corporal and four soldiers. All Phantom members were trained as signallers, and supposedly trained to S.A.S standards. The officers were mostly from cavalry or infantry regiments. Patrols were attached to 1 & 2 S.A.S providing the radio communications back to the brigade HQ in the UK. 1 & 2 S.A.S relied on these patrols for supplies, explosives, weapons and ammunition resupply. Operations in France consisted of two types: the first were small-scale tactical missions carried out for the 21st Army Group to cut enemy communications in rear areas or to provide intelligence. The second type were long-term missions where fighting patrols would raid from an established base behind enemy lines. These missions could also link up with and organise the Maquis (the French Resistance), and sometimes Jedburgh teams. When jumping, the S.A.S parties would jump to a reception party organised by SFHQ (SOE) or blind. Specially modified S.A.S jeeps were used in operations. These would be parachuted or landed by glider. Extra petrol tanks gave a range of 650 miles. Some jeeps had armour plating. The jeeps were armed with two to five Vickers K guns, or a Bren, bazooka and a 3" mortar. 1st S.A.S an 4th S.A.S were the first to see action Operations SAMWEST,DINGSON,GROG and LOST in Britanny from 5 june to 4 august 1944 against more than 150.000 ennemies. Some missions were successful, some failures. In Operations TITANIC I and IV small parties dropped inland of Normandy on the night of 5 June 1944 to simulate a full-scale airborne landing. Its effectiveness was lost in the widespread confusion of Allied landings. Operation HOUNDSWORTH operated in the Morvan hills, west of Dijon for three months from 5 June 1944. Houndsworth's patrols covered 6,000 square miles, cut 22 railways, killed or wounded 200 Germans, and reported 30 targets for Allied bombers. Operation BULBASKET operated in the Vienne area south of Poitiers from 6 June 1944. Patrols carried out ambushes and cut railway lines with Maquis assistance, but after betrayal and a German dawn raid in which many troopers were killed or captured the operation was fatally compromised. Operation GAIN started in mid-June 1944 and ran until early August. It was centred on the Forêt d'Orléans. Betrayals to the Germans and ambushes beset the operation. Operation HAGGARD centred on Villequis but found few worthwhile targets. Operation KIPLING was 1 S.A.S's last mission in France. The patrols dropped into the Forêt de Merrivaux, east of Operation GAIN and northeast of Operation HAGGARD. The patrols linked up with the Maquis and started offensive patrolling but the German retreat meant there were few targets. The significant confrontation was in the village of Les Ormes and the subsequent raid that saved 18 hostages the S.S were going to execute in retaliation for the first raid. Due to it's late arrival back in Britain 2 S.A.S didn't enter the French campaign until July 1944. Operations SWAN and DEFOE were intelligence gathering operations in Normandy, but both were quickly overrun by the Allies. Operation GAFF was planned to kill or capture Field Marshall Rommel at his HQ at La Roche Guyon at the end of July 1944. The patrol derailed trains and set-up road ambushes, eventually attacking a German HQ in Mantes. Operation WALLACE started at the end of July. 20 jeeps and 60 men drove across France from Rennes to the Vosges Mountains, involving themselves in hit and run attacks. In the Vosges the patrols were hunted by the retreating Germans and finally overrun by the American sin September 1994. The operation accounted for 500 Germans killed or wounded, 59 vehicles, one train and100,000 gallons of enemy petrol destroyed in return for seven S.A.S men killed, seven wounded, two captured, and 16 jeeps lost. Operations DUNHILL and TRUEFORM in August 1944 were again quickly overrun by the Allies. Operation LOYTON was 2 S.A.S's largest French operation. Advance parties dropped on 12 August. The operation's area was Raon l'Etape, west of Strasbourg. The area was already occupied by retreating Germans, who had brought their special anti-partisan units to hunt Maquis and S.A.S. The operation linked up with unreliable Maquis and the operation suffered men captured in German attacks. Jeeps were air dropped but the terrain limited their use. LOYTON is significant for the fact that the Germans sent 210 male hostages from the Moussey area to concentration camps for harbouring the S.A.S. Operation PISTOL was 2 S.A.S's last mission in France, and its aim was to disrupt rail communications from Metz and Nancy to the Rhine plain. The mission operated without Maquis assistance and only managed to cut one railway line and derail four trains. Large numbers of S.A.S troops were captured but only two were executed.
In june 1944, 18 sticks of 4th S.A.S were dropped in all part of Britanny at D+2 Operation COONEY to destroy communication lines and disrupt the ennemy organization. 2nd Squad/3rd S.A.S which operated also in Brittany, driving 75 km south cutting railway lines, forcing the German 3 Parachute Division to move by road which used scare petrol rather than risking rail travel. 4th (French)S.A.S took part in Operation DINGSON and SAMWEST , which landed -the firts of all Allied Forces -near Vannes and St Brieuc on the night of 5/6 June 1944. Within one week of landing they had attracted more than 2,000 Maquis. The Germans attacked SAMWEST in first and later DINGSON, but Bretons sheltered the troops. It is estimated that between 30-80,000 Bretons were trained and engaged the Germans on rail and road, giving the Americans a trouble-free advance to Brest in August. The french S.A.S have operated also in Centre France and East-France and at Christmas in the Bulges with Belgian S.A.S. The French S.A.S worked with Field Security in Holland, raiding ahead of the advancing Allied forces, seizing important Nazis and documents that might vanish in the German retreat. Operation AMHERST was the 3rd and 4th S.A.S's last and most important airborne operation of the war. 50 parties,all French were parachuted into northeast Holland ahead of the 1st Canadian Army. The parties prevented the German demolition of the Steenwijk airfield and captured 18 bridges in the Canadians' vanguard. The SAS crossed into Germany in April 1945, and undertook a number of recce operations. 1 & 2 S.A.S recced the east of Wesel in Operation ARCHWAY. 5 SAS gathered intelligence for the Canadian 4th Armoured Division as it moved though northwest Germany. 1 & 5 Belgian S.A.S took part in the Canadian assault on Wilhelmshaven - a series of hit and run actions inflicted casualties on the lightly armoured SAS jeeps. Strategic operations in the closing months of the war would have been a waste of resources and a diversion of the main effort of the war. However the inclusion of S.A.S forces did give an 'edge' to formation commanders' forces. The SAS were the first British unit to reach Belsen concentration camp. The S.A.S had advanced deep into Germany in support of the 8th Parachute Battalion when it came across the massacre of concentration camp inmates at Celle. They were then sent to Belsen to investigate before the Germans abandoned the camp and before the main British forces captured it. In Mission DOOMSDAY, 1 & 2 SAS were airlifted to Norway in May 1945 to supervise the surrender of 300,000 German troops. The units spent a peaceful four months disarming the former occupying forces. Operations in France had left 53 SAS troopers missing, believed dead. They had been fact executed on the orders of Hitler, the infamous 'Commando Order' created in 1942 following Commando excesses. In May 1945 the S.A.S War Crimes Investigation Team was created and left for Europe secretly to find out what happened to them. Led by Major Barkworth, the team confirmed the capture, murder and burial of many of the missing SAS men. It then located graves, gathered evidence and tracked down the torturers and murderers responsible across the British, American and French zones of occupation in Germany and scoured prisoner-of-war camps and other sources. Several of those captured were hung or sentenced to lengthy prison sentences in the Nuremberg war crimes trials. There is also evidence that at the same time the S.A.S War Crimes Investigation Team was raised, a number S.A.S Hunter teams were also created to locate and execute German war criminals guilty of killing S.A.S and S.O.E personnel, but who weren't prominent enough to be prosecuted at the Nuremberg trials. The existence of the Hunter teams has never been admitted. At the end of the war in Europe, Stirling was released from Colditz Castle and returned to the regiment with ideas of redeploying it to the Far East. Stirling planned to raid the Manchurian railway in China, and hit Japanese supply routes in Malaya. However the dropping of the atomic bombs in August 1945 ended the war before the S.A.S could be deployed. The S.A.S Brigade was disbanded on 8 October 1945 after four years of exemplary service: 5 S.A.S transferring to the Belgian Army in September, and 3rd and 4th S.A.S transferring to the French Army at the beginning of October 1945 to create a new 2nd R.C.P. The S.A.S War Crimes Investigation Team continued operations until 1949.


Ce texte est inscrit sur une plaque du Memorial du Special Air Service de Sennecey le Grand