"Une compagnie de parachutistes, que j’avais fait venir d’Angleterre, s’entraînait maintenant à Ismaïlia, prête à exécuter les coups de main qui lui seraient demandés..." Gal de Gaulle

2ème Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes - Compagnon de la Libération
« Formation d’élite qui, sous les ordres du lieutenant-colonel Bourgoin, a eu l’insigne honneur d’être la première unité française à combattre à nouveau sur le sol de la Patrie. Parachutée au-dessus de la Bretagne au cours du mois de juin, a réussi à grouper autour d’elle plus de 10 000 résistants. Avec cette aide et au prix de lourdes pertes, a procédé avec le plus grand succès à l’attaque de certains éléments ennemis et à de nombreuses destructions de réseaux téléphoniques, de dépôts de munitions et de voies de communication d’importance vitale pour l’ennemi. A eu une grande part dans le succès de l’offensive alliée à partir de la tête de pont de Normande et a été à l’origine de la libération de la Bretagne. »


Le Site que vous allez (ou que vous venez) de visiter présente
un maximum d' informations, de documents et d' illustrations
sur les fameux BATAILLONS du CIEL de la France Libre, les
1ère Compagnie d'Infanterie de l'Air
1ère Compagnie de Chasseurs Parachutistes
3rd Squad S.A.S Brigade - French Squadron
1er Bataillon d'Infanterie de l'Air

3ème et 4ème Bataillons d'Infanterie de l'Air
2ème et 3ème Régiments de Chasseurs Parachutistes
Leurs actions depuis l'Opération "Savanah" en mars 1941 dans le Morbihan, jusqu'à celle, "Amherst" mené dans les polders de Hollande en avril 1945, méritent de trés nombreuses pages...
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Ces plans préparés et élaborés pour la Résistance et devant être appliqué dans le cadre de l'action prévu au Jour-J, ont été aussi les missions que les S.A.S ont éxécuté en tout premier lieu en Bretagne.

· Plan Vert: destruction des voies ferrées.
· Plan Rouge: destruction des dépôts de munitions ennemis.
· Plan Bleu: destruction des lignes électriques.
· Plan Violet: destruction des lignes PTT (téléphone et télégraphe).
· Plan Jaune: destruction des postes de commandement ennemis.
· Plan Noir: destruction des dépôts de carburants ennemis.
· Plan Tortue: neutralisation des routes (empêcher l’ennemi d’envoyer des renforts).


POur voir la carte entière: click droit de souris. To see the entire map click right on Mouse.
Pour lire la "Carte des Opérations S.A.S" ci dessus: pointeur au centre et un click gauche de souris
To read " S.A.S Operations map" above: arowhead on centre of the map then a "left click" on the mouse
French Paras of Free French Forces were created by General de Gaulle on 29th september 1940, under the command of Captain Georges Bergé ( father of French S.A.S).
The first Platoon was Jump certified at Christmas with the first British paratroopers
in Central Landing Establishment - Ringway.
In march and may 1941, two missions under the control of S.O.E were completed in occupied France under the command of G.Bergé. (Savanah and Josephine B). The two missions were the first realized by allied forces in France. They have shown the ability to introduce a commando in occupied territory and exfiltrate it after the mission completed.
In june 1941, the 1st Coy was cut in three Platoon. The first was assigned to B.C.R.A - the secret service of Free French- for special missions in occupied France. The two other Platoons were the new 1st Air Infantry Coy.
In july 1941, the Air Infantry Coy with 30 men comes in North-Africa. After a time in Lebanon, the Company began 1st Compagnie de Chasseurs Para
chutistes and did a para training course in Kabret Para Training Center.
In september Bergé who was now a great friend of David Stirling, obtained the authorization of General de Gaulle to be 3rd Squadron SPECIAL.AIR.SERVICE BRIGADE, because the ancestors of the famous General have fight in middle-age with the King of Scotland. The french General was along his life a great friend of Scottish. In november the 3rd Squadron - 1st C.C.P ( 50 Officers, N.C.O's and Men ) began his S.A.S specialized training. During this time in Great Britain a new Para Unit was created to welcome volunteers 2nd C.I.A.
From june to november 1942, a lot of missions were completed successfully by french and british S.A.S together on airfields and logistic bases on the coast of Lybia and Cyrenaïqua. At this time the mission under the command of Bergé and Lord Jellicoe in Creta island was completed, but unfortunatly Bergé and two paras were captured, and one was killed. Some weeks after Stirling was also failed and captured. Along the war, Bergé, Stirling and Jordan (who was the chief of French S.A.S after the capture of Bergé) stay in the fortress of Colditz in Germany as P.W.
At the end of December the 1st Para Coy S.A.S(C.C.P) have finished their operations in middle-east and goes back in Great-Britain.
At this time, a new 2nd Para Coy S.A.S was created to operate in Tunisia with some Officers and veterans of French Squad S.A.S. After some successfull fights, in january and february the 2nd Coy goes back also in Great-Britain. The first page of French S.A.S is closed ! The french S.A.S have received as a great award the famous S.A.S Wings and three gold inscriptions on their battle-honour.

In March 1943, the veterans of 1st and 2nd S.A.S Coy were integrated to the french Unit in Great-Britain 2nd C.I.A named now 1st Air Infantry Battalion (1st B.I.A). The training was very hard along the year and in November a 3rd B.I.A created in Lebanon and Algeria came in Great-Britain from North-Africa.
On 11th January 1944, 1st B.I.A (renamed 4th B.I.A) and 3rd B.I.A were integrated to new S.A.S Brigade under the command of General Mac Leod as 4th S.A.S and 3rd S.A.S.
From february to may an hard specialized training sometimes with 1st Polish Para Brigade in Largo was accomplished to prepare the landing in North Europa and the operations to liberate occupied territories.

In the night of 5 june 1944, 4 sticks of 4th S.A.S were dropped on north and south Britanny to prepare S.A.S bases (Samwest, Dingson, Grog), to take contact with local Resistance and established D.Z and L.Z for the Battalion. The mission of french S.A.S was to destroy all communication ways, to get ambushs and sabotages to prevent all ennemies movements toward Normandy. These men were the first allied soldiers to come and fight in France for D-Day. This fact was a decision of General Montgomery.
Immediatly after his landing a stick (LtMarienne) was obliged to fight with a troop of Nazi, and Corporal Bouétard was wounded and killed by a german n.c.o. It was the first allied soldier K.I.A in D-Day operation.
One night after the D-Day, 18 french S.A.S teams known as "Cooney parties" were dropped on all parts of Britanny to accomplish sabotages on railways, roads etc.. in the way to cut all possibilities for ennemy to go to Normandy beachhead. At this time in Britanny about 150.000 ennemies (Infantry, Paratroopers, Engineers, Artillery etc...) are ready
to go on Normandy landing areas...
Night after night, sticks of french S.A.S -4th Battalion- and containers were dropped in the area of St-Marcel (Morbihan)-"Baleine D.Z" to accomplish ambushs and sabotages and all actions were successful.
The 18th june in the villages of Saint-Marcel and Serent an epic fight was realized by 200 S.A.S, 4 jeeps and 2.500 men of french Resistance (F.F.I) against more than 5.000 nazies with heavy artillery. Along the day, french resist to attacks of germans helped in the afternoon by "straffing" of an air closed support of U.S Air Force but when the night comes they were obliged to leave the battle area and get back the maquis. Today a Resistance Museum with a S.A.S display is located in the village of Saint-Marcel. After this combat, the S.A.S were strongly hunted and many acts of violence were realized against the civilians and them. They came in different maquis areas.
During all july the S.A.S could realized many important missions in the way to stop and destroy the german forces. Less than 500 men were opposed to very big ennemy forces.
In August, the U.S Forces (3rd Patton Army) came in Britanny and 2nd Squadron of 3rd S.A.S was dropped in britanny to reinforce 4th S.A.S. Also a lot of armed jeeps were dropped or landed by gliders (the only one glider S.A.S operation of WW2).
At the end of Britanny campaign french S.A.S have lost more than 65% of their men. Immediatly, the S.A.S wings worn directly on left breast were awarded to 4th S.A.S renamed 2nd R.C.P (Régiment de Chasseurs Parachutistes).
At this time, many volunteers from maquis have taken an enlistment in S.A.S regiments.The 3rd S.A.S became 3rd R.C.P. At the end of the Britanny campaign the french S.A.S have received for the first time the red beret. It is worn with the Para cap-badge but without the lion and the crown.
From 1942 to September 1944 the french S.A.S have had the black beret of R.A.C with the same insignia. Only on 11th november the 2nd R.C.P french regiment will worn the red beret with the S.A.S winged dagger embroidered cap badge to parade in Paris on "Champs Elysées". A few time after the 3rd R.C.P will receive also the red beret with S.A.S cap-badge.

In august a team of 4th S.A.S was the first to fight in Paris for the liberation of the town. They are the first allieds to come into the famous town.
From september to november 1944, a lot of S.A.S operations were realized in France by the two regiments (spencer, harrods, barker, bullbasket 2, dickens, moses, derry, samson, salesman, marshall, snelgrove, jockworth, newton, abel). In the same time 1st and 2nd S.A.S have operated in center and east of France successfully and 5th S.A.S in Normandy and on the belgian border.
On 4th September in the small town of Sennecey le Grand took place an epic combat. 4 jeeps of 3rd R.C.P under the command of Lieutenant Combaud de Roquebrune, attacks a strong ennemy convoy with many tanks and light artillery.
The jeeps took the ennemies armoured vehicles under the fire of Vickers K guns. Many of them were destroyed and a large lot of nazies killed, but unfortunatly, the jeeps go back up the central road of the village were destroyed by fire of tanks. Now, in Sennecey le Grand stays the Interallied Memorial of the S.A.S Brigade, as a wish of David Stirling himself.
At Christmas 2nd R.C.P was engaged in the Bulges during the famous battle, operation Franklin.. Only at the end of january 1945 the regiment go back in France. After a time of training in Great Bitain, the S.A.S were prepared for a new mision, the last of the war...
In april 1945 the last and the most important S.A.S operation of WW2 under command of Brigadier General M. Calvert, was completed in north of Holland by 700 men of the two french regiments (this was the strongest S.A.S operation of WW2). Dropped, as an arrow head for the 1st Armoured Canadian Corps, on night with very bad meteo conditions, the sticks landed far from planed D.Z. In spite of any losses, the results of this operation were very strong and succesfully. In the same time british S.A.S have realized operation Keystone.
In 8 may, at the end of WW2 in Europa, the two french S.A.S regiments were assigned to French Air Force.
The flag of the french S.A.S presented to 4th B.I.A in Edimburgh on 11th may 1944, was a gift of french-scottish association. It was the most awarded of all allied forces during WW2. On 11th november 1944 General de Gaulle during a famous parade on Champs-Elysées in Paris has given to the flag of S.A.S the Cross of Liberation.
The 2nd and 3rd R.C.P were disbanded (september 1945) and a new 2nd R.C.P was created under the command of french Army. Few time after a Half-Para S.A.S Brigade was created to fight in Indochina (1946-1948) and the 2nd R.C.P was disbanded in Algeria at Philippeville who was the garrison of British 2nd S.A.S after the landing in North-Africa (Novembre 1942). When the half-brigade was also disbanded (1948) Para-Commandos of Oversea Forces took the traditions of S.A.S. but not the missions.
Since 1981, 1st R.P.I.Ma (1st Para Oversea Infantry Regiment) has the missions and the traditions of S.A.S as an "Airborne Intelligence and Special Actions Unit" (RAPAS). The S.A.S wings of WW2 with in the middle the Chimera of Indochina are worn as a special qualification on the left breast like british S.A.S wings, after three missions. "Who Dares Wins" is also the motto of french S.A.S "Qui Ose Gagne".The missions were completed in Africa, in the Middle-East, during Desert Storm, in Kosovo, Yougoslavia, Serbia border and in Afghanistan and often also in all part of the world.
A new 3rd R.C.P was created as a Light Para Infantry Regiment in 1984 with only the traditions and the flag of 3rd S.A.S. Unfortunatly,he was disbanded in July 1998.. J.P.B